Nigella Oil pure

What a pleasure, we've found the solution to all your little health problems...
Nigella oil is pure and acts quickly on asthma, thanks to its anti-microbial properties; it is antioxidant and regulates intestinal transit.
At  a time when many people have the flu or are invaded by germs ...The gentle mixture of Nigella oil and well-produced honey is ideal and naturally replaces any medication ...So Treat yourself !!!
Black seed oil acts and promotes digestion and maintains the liver. It even helps you lose weight and all this as natural as possible. This oil prevents and treats cancers. Dear friends, you want to lose sales, just one gesture massage treat your abdomen with nigella oil. The nigella grain or called black cumin, fights against bloating and deworms the intestine against worms. It also helps to reduce cholesterol thanks to the presence of its fatty acids. unsaturated.
Go ahead, enjoy
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